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The winter quarter is going to start in a few days and here you can checkout the new courses!

Exciting Updates for WI24: Enhanced Course Search and More

Welcome to the WI24 quarter! We're thrilled to announce some exciting updates that will significantly enhance your course selection and planning experience. Staying informed and ahead in your educational journey has never been easier.

The Dawn of a New Quarter

The new quarter is not just a time for fresh beginnings, but also for embracing technological advancements that make learning more accessible and efficient. As we step into WI24, we invite you to explore the possibilities and opportunities that this new period brings.

Introducing the Updated Course Crawler

  • Our course crawler has undergone a significant upgrade for WI24.
  • Now, searching for courses is more streamlined and efficient than ever. Whether you're looking for specific subjects, faculty, or class timings, finding your ideal course is just a few clicks away.
  • This update is designed to save you time and hassle, allowing you to focus more on learning and less on logistics.

Stay Updated with Real-Time Information

  • In addition to improved search capabilities, we're excited to share that information like waitlist status will be updated every morning, very early. This means you'll have access to the most current information as you plan your day.
  • This feature ensures that you are always informed about your course status and can make timely decisions about your schedule and study plans.

Maximizing Your New Quarter Experience

Here are some tips to make the most out of these new features:

  • Regularly check the course crawler for the latest updates and information.
  • Utilize the enhanced search function to explore new and interesting courses.
  • Plan your schedule in advance, considering the real-time updates on waitlists.


We're committed to continually improving your educational experience. These updates are just the beginning of what we hope will be a transformative journey for you this quarter.

Your Feedback Matters

  • Your input is invaluable to us. I am personally eager to hear from you and receive feedback on these updates.
  • Feel free to share your thoughts, suggestions, or any queries you might have. Together, we can make the WI24 quarter an outstanding experience for everyone.

Call to Action

Explore the updated course crawler today, plan your perfect schedule, and don't hesitate to reach out with your feedback!