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Come to see our first Post! We are a group of international students that wanted to improve the life of normal and new internationals with tips and tricks

The Start of UCSD.tips

Hi 👋
We are UCSD.tips and our goal with this website is, to make life at this beautiful university even better! The problem, especially for visiting students, is that you need to get a lot of new information but don't know where to look. We want to change this!

Our Improvements

  • Better course search
  • Answers to frequently asked questions like "Where is podem 1A18?"
  • Information for Extended Studies Students (UPS)
  • and much more


As visiting students we had to search through a lot of courses and doing this with Schedule of Class was let's just say - not good. So we decided to build an improved version! We wanted to create a simple and very fast interface for all the UCSD courses. Since we mainly had to search for courses that we liked, a full-text search for description and title was very important. This makes it possible to circumvent the long loading times when clicking through the TritonLink pages. In Addition, when you want to quickly look up any course details like the building/room or the next course date, it offers a convenient way to do so!
We asked you guys on Reddit and are planning to implement it with these other:

Possibly Planned Features

  • Download of the dataset / API
  • Filtering for available seats, dates, times, midterms ...
  • A more detailed course overview
  • Save and share searches

Last but not least, we greatly appreciate any feedback! If you have some, please write us at [email protected]